Hello, There! I'm Martin, but you may know me as marvhus. Wellcome to my corner of the web. I am a programmer, at work, and at home. In my spare time I make all kinds of things, in all kinds of languages. Some of the ones I use the most are: C, Python, and Jai. The code I write in my spare time is mostly Free and Open Source, so you can find it on my GitHub account, my Codeberg account, or my Sourcehut account.
Here is a short list of my personal projects. You can find more of my projects on my GitHub account, my Codeberg account, or my Sourcehut account.
An Operating System I am trying to make to learn how to make one. It will be a text editor as an operating system, where you write code, and run it. It will also have games, etc. that you will be able to play and modify. Think of it as Emacs, but actually an operating system, and not slow. It's slightly inspired by TempleOS, but I want to go my own direction with it.
A cipher of my own creation with implementations in a few different languages so you can easily include it in your project.
A commandline utillity tool for finding all notes in a source file. It looks inside C-like comments, and looks for words that start with an @ and tells you the ones it found. This was originally a tool written in Rust called Todoer that I made a few months ago, but I decided to remake it using Jai.
A cryptography tool that I wrote with some other developers back in 2022. It is written in Python and includes a plethora of ciphers, and some other things too.
Here are some pictures I have taken that I've decided to share with the world. You can use these photos as long as you follow the requirements of the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence.
Here is some of my contact info, and some other stuff in case you want to get in contact with me.