Hello, There! I'm Martin, but you may know me as marvhus. Wellcome to my corner of the web. I am a programmer, at work, and at home. In my spare time I make all kinds of things, in all kinds of languages. Some of the ones I use the most are: C, Python, and Jai. The code I write in my spare time is mostly Free and Open Source, so you can find it on my GitHub account, my Codeberg account, or my Sourcehut account.


Here is a short list of my personal projects. You can find more of my projects on my GitHub account, my Codeberg account, or my Sourcehut account.

Cool Pictures

Here are some pictures I have taken that I've decided to share with the world. You can use these photos as long as you follow the requirements of the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence.


Here is some of my contact info, and some other stuff in case you want to get in contact with me.